
The glazier´s

As to the production of mirrors, our company offers global services- from measurement through draft and production to the installation of the mirrors.
In the shop we have now more than 150 types of mirrors in different shapes, sizes, designs and colours. Our company has produced thousands of different types of mirrors so far. We offer wide scale of different colours and boundless possibilities of combinations.
Because of our modern technical equipment the production of mirrors is absolutely self-sustaining. Thus, the delivery terms are very short, from 24 hours to 10 days. The quality, originality and fastness of delivery are guaranteed with us.
The best is to consult your personal ideas with our professional experiences acquired during the production of great number of different types of mirrors. That is why we recommend you to visit our company in person, to see the types, colours and combinations right in the shop and to get competent advice.
The glazier´s is known by production of the most complicated and original mirrors according to the ideas of the customers.
The quality of our mirrors is approved by thousands of satisfied customers from the entire Slovakia and neighbouring countries.
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